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How Often
do I water it?

Depending on the plant that is set into your Earthdot you should be able to get away with a week or two between waters. There are a few indicators it is time to water your Earthdot, It will take some time but after you get to know your dot, you'll notice a change in its weight, color & vigor. Once your Earthdot becomes noticeably lighter, the moss begins to slightly brown and the plant nestled inside starts to wilt it's game time! With succulents, allow for a longer dry time. The moss will begin to feel dry but don't worry! It is resilient and after a good soak your moss will wake up lush, vibrant, and moiiist.

Once you decided it is time for you to water your dot the best way is to soak that puppy. Get a bowl that is a little bit bigger than you think, place that plant in there fill it up with water, just enough to submerge half of your Earthdot. Leave it in the bowl until it is soaked up in all of the water. If you notice that it still feels light and dry feel free to add more water.

How do I
water it?


After your Earthdot has spent its fair share tucked into its cozy dirt ball, it will start to poke its roots through or sometimes the hemp will start to degrade. If this is happening to you, there are a few options. You can either reach out and I can re-moss that puppy for you for a small fee depending on the size.  The other option is to plant it. Moss & hemp included, it will break down and promote growth.

This is a trial-and-error process. There's truly no way right and wrong way and I'm only offering guidance if you notice that your plant is still retaining water after week three don't water it. Trust yourself. 

Sometimes it's best if you just leave it be.

Once you have completed the lifespan of an Earthdot, it's fair to say it's time to buy another one

We Grow 

Let's Talk Plants

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